Our third meeting, “Rational introduction of new drugs and regimens” held September 2013 in Beijing, brought together a wide range of experts in the field of Tuberculosis drug development, within-host and population modellers, economists and epidemiologists to share ongoing analyses and shape the direction of future modelling research in 5 key areas:
1) Epidemiological impact of improved application of existing drugs and drug regimens
2) Host and within-host approaches for understanding drug effects
3) Epidemiological impact and cost-effectiveness of introducing novel TB drugs and novel TB drug regimens
4) Approaches for the introduction and delivery of new drugs and new drug regimens
5) Market dynamics
The presentations and group discussions have been summarised in the meeting report (available on the TB MAC website). During the meeting 4 requests for applications were formulated to stimulate more modelling research in this critical area.
The meeting consolidated the ongoing process of activating and expanding the field of modelling in the field of drug and regimen development, as well as improve communication between the modelling community and experts from other fields.
TB MAC will continue to bring together new and experienced TB modellers with data experts around specific topics in the field of TB to improve global tuberculosis (TB) control by coordinating and promoting mathematical modelling and other quantitative research activities.
For more information, please see the meeting report.