The presentations from the TB MAC Symposium ‘Modelling to overcome resistance to TB drugs and to the End TB Strategy’ that was given on Saturday the 29th of October 2016 at the 47th Union World Conference on Lung Health can be found here.
1) Cost-effectiveness of triage testing for facility-based systematic screening of tuberculosis in Uganda – Achilles Katamba (Uganda)
2) Tradeoffs in new anti-tuberculosis drug introduction policies: a model based analysis – Amber Kunkel (United States of America)
3) Capturing in situ fitness costs to drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Peru – Gwen Knight (United Kingdom) (Presentation unavailable)
4) Understanding the contribution of social protection to accelerate TB elimination – Delia Boccia (United Kingdom)
5) Illness-related impoverishment averted by TB control: findings for India and South Africa – Stephane Verguet (United States of America)