Kristian is the Programme Manager for TB MAC. Prior to joining the LSHTM in March 2015, Kristian worked with the Open Society Foundation, King’s College London, the Australian Red Cross in Melbourne, and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
Kristian Godfrey
Madeleine Clarkson
Madeleine is a PhD student at the University of St Andrews, and a former Research Assistant at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She has had experience applying modelling techniques to pathogen diversity, cost-effectiveness models for malaria screening and treatment, and measuring the positive externality of influenza vaccines on antibiotic use. She is interested in the application of complex systems to modelling health structures.
Rein Houben
Rein is an Associate Professor at the London School of Hygeine and Tropical Medicine and was a member of the TB MAC secretariat. His research focuses on using mathematical modelling techniques to inform TB policy in LMICs and to understand the natural history of TB, with a particular interest in latent TB infection and structural drivers of TB.
Richard White
Richard is Professor of Infectious Disease Modelling in the Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases and the TB Centre at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He leads the LSHTM TB Modelling Group. His research focus is the mathematical and statistical modelling of the transmission and control of infectious diseases, particularly TB and HIV.
Finn McQuaid
Finn is an Associate Professor in Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the TB MAC Secretariat Epidemiologist. His research focuses on multi-drug resistant TB, treatment adherence, and the impact of COVID-19 on TB. He has previously worked on global food security and the spatially explicit control of epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa.
Steering Committee
Surabhi Pandey
Surabhi is a TB modeller and researcher at Public Health Foundation India.
Sarika Mehra
Sarika is a Professor in Chemical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
Puneet Dewan
Puneet is a Senior Programme Manager at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Lauren Brown
Lauren is a a Junior Researcher and transmission modeller at SACEMA (South African Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis), where she is completing a PhD.
Amit Summan
Amit is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the One Health Trust. His research primarily focuses on how low- and middle-income countries can improve child and maternal health outcomes through more efficient and equitable redistribution of public resources.
Nimalan Arinaminpathy
Nim is a Professor in Mathematical Epidemiology in the Imperial College School of Public Health and a Senior Epidemiologist in the TB Monitoring and Evaluation group in the WHO Global TB Programme.
Carel Pretorius
Carel is a senior analyst and modeller at Avenir Health, where he leads the development and implementation of several models in Spectrum.
Sourya Shrestha
Sourya is an assistant scientist and epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He develops mathematical and computational models of epidemiology of infectious diseases, ultimately to use these to design and inform effective public health interventions.
Sandip Mandal
Sandip is a scientist and researcher at John Snow India
Leigh Johnson
Leigh is an epidemiologist and actuary, working at the Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Research (University of Cape Town). His research interests are in modelling of HIV and other infectious diseases, and most of his published work has focused on evaluating the impact of HIV prevention and treatment programmes in South Africa. He is the lead developer of the Thembisa model, a combined HIV and demographic model developed for South Africa.
Sedona Sweeney
Sedona is a health economist, with a research focus on economic evaluation in low- and middle-income settings. Her particular interest is in the economic impact of substantial long-term health shocks, both at the provider level and within the household. Her research to date has been focused on measurement and understanding of the costs of chronic illness – including HIV, TB, chronic non-communicable diseases, and HCV
Pete Dodd
Pete is a professor of mathematical modelling and epidemiology at the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield, UK. He currently holds a career development award fellowship from the UK Medical Research Council.
Kathy Fiekert
Kathy is a Senior TB Consultant with over 27 years’ experience in the design, implementation, management and evaluation of infectious disease control programmes for the NGO, local government, and donor sector in developing countries (mainly in conflict and post-conflict situations.) Her main areas of interest are linking community engagement, patient centeredness, human rights, and ethics to Health System Strengthening (HSS), and designing innovative approaches to optimising TB care utilising new technologies. At KNCV she is the technical lead on the Patient-Centred Framework, Strategic Planning and Stigma Reduction, and provides technical support to country and NGO TB programmes.
Hsien-Ho Lin
Hsien-Ho is an associate professor at the National Taiwan University and models policy and new diagnostic tuberculosis control and prevention interventions. His research focus is the risk-factors of tuberculosis using population-based cohort and metanalysis.
Geoff Garnett
Geoff is a Deputy Director of Global Development and Global Health at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He works on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of health programs, with a particular focus on HIV. Prior to the foundation, he was a professor in the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at Imperial College London and a Reader at Oxford University working on the epidemiology, evolution and control of sexually transmitted infections. He has served as chair of the UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates Models and Projections and on a number of Institute of Medicine and Wellcome Trust panels.
Jason Madan
Jason is a Professor in Health Economics at Warwick Medical School, and Director of Graduate Research Studies for the School. His research involves the application of economic methods to health technology assessment in a wide range of clinical settings, including tuberculosis. He is particularly interested in the use of decision modelling and Bayesian methods to inform health policy.
Frank Cobelens
Frank is a Professor of Global Health at the University of Amsterdam, Chair of the Executive board of AIGHD and a Scientific Advisor at KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation. His scientific interest is in multidisciplinary approaches to problems at the interface of biomedical aspects of infectious diseases, socioeconomic context and control policy.
Anna Bershteyn
Anna is a Senior Research Manager of the HIV/TB center at the Institute for Disease Modeling, and an Affiliate Assistant Professor of Global Health at the University of Washington. Her modelling research focuses on HIV transmission dynamics and impact evaluation of biomedical and programmatic improvements to HIV care and prevention.
David Wilson
David is a Senior Program Officer in Decision Sciences at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Professor of Modeling & Health Economics at the Burnet Institute, and founder of the Optima Consortium for Decision Science. His dominant focus was on allocative efficiency for major infectious diseases (with a special focus on HIV).
Damian Walker
Damian is a Senior Program Officer at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where he works on the cost-effectiveness of health interventions and technologies. His portfolio of grants includes efforts to set disease control priorities globally, as well as assessments of the cost-effectiveness of new vaccines, and HIV treatment and prevention interventions at the national level.
Martien Borgdorff
Martien is Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Amsterdam and works as a senior consultant at the KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation. His main interests are the epidemiology and control of infectious diseases with a special interest in tuberculosis and HIV. His tuberculosis research focused on the molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in low and high incidence settings and on disease burden estimates and their trends.
Philip Welkhoff
Philip is the Malaria Program Director at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Previously, he served as director of research at the Institute for Disease Modeling (IDM). There, he helped develop computer simulations of malaria, polio, and other disease transmission dynamics to assist public health professionals and other scientists in planning the eradication of different diseases. Philip received a Special Achievement Award by a Hertz Fellow in 2009 for his work on malaria modeling.
James Trauer
James is a Senior Lecturer at Monash University, where he is Head of the Epidemiological Modelling Unit at the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine. He undertakes research to improve the effectiveness of infectious disease control programs through modelling, with a particular focus on tuberculosis (TB) and emerging infections. He also coordinates the School’s growing focus on modelling of non-communicable diseases and demographic trends and works clinically as a respiratory, sleep and general physician, undertaking regular care for TB patients at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.
Chris Dye
Chris is a Director of Strategy in the Office of the Director General at the World Health Organisation, and a Visiting Professor of Zoology at the University of Oxford. His research has focused on the large-scale dynamics of tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, malaria, Ebola and other infectious diseases. Amongst other topics, he has investigated the rise of tuberculosis linked to HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the spread and containment of antimicrobial resistance.
Anna Vassall
Anna is a Professor of Health Economics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She leads the economic evaluation and priority setting group in the Department of Global Health at LSHTM and as part of the Centre for Health Economics in London (CHIL). She specialises in the economics of HIV, sexual and reproductive health, gender based violence prevention and tuberculosis (TB).
Nick Menzies
Nick is an Assistant Professor of Global Health at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, and faculty of the Harvard Center for Health Decision Science. He uses decision science and quantitative research to understand the consequences of major policy change, and help design effective disease control programs where resources are limited. His research combines empirical data with mathematical modeling to examine infectious disease control policy in high burden settings, currently focusing on the intersection of HIV and TB epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa and other high-burden settings.
Michael Kimerling
Michael is the director of the Technical Services Division at KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, covering TB program support, implementation research and policy development. He has particular interests in product adoption and evaluation of innovation in delivery.
David Dowdy
David is an Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins University, in the Bloomberg School of Public Health. He is an epidemiologist and practising general internist whose research merges expertise in classical epidemiology, economic evaluation, infectious disease modelling, and translation of science into policy. Other interests include heterogeneity in TB transmission, active TB case-finding, development of “user-friendly” modelling tools for TB, costing of HIV prevention interventions, and evaluation of TB therapeutics and vaccines.
Ted Cohen
Ted is an Associate Professor at the Yale School of Public Health. He is an infectious disease epidemiologist with a primary research focus on tuberculosis. He is particularly interested in understanding how TB drug-resistance and medical comorbidities such as HIV frustrate current efforts to control epidemics, with an ultimate goal of developing more effective approaches to limit the morbidity caused by this pathogen.
Richard White
Finn McQuaid
Advisory Panel
Taghreed Adam
Taghreed is a Paediatrician and Health Economist at the World Health Organization.
Puneet Dewan
Patrick Moonan
Patrick is Lead Epidemiologist in surveillance, epidemiology, monitoring and evaluation at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Mehran Hosseini
Mehran is in the Strategic Information Department at The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Patrick Migambi
Patrick holds a master’s degree in Epidemiology and a degree in general medicine from the National University of Rwanda. Patrick graduated in 2002 as a general practitioner and finished his master’s degree in 2009. He worked one year at Rutongo Hospital was promoted in October 2003 as Medical Chef in Kibilizi Health District located in south Province. In January 2006, he was nominated as Director of Kibilizi District Hospital up to September 2010. Since then, he has occupied different responsibilities at senior positions in various levels of the healthcare delivery system in Rwanda at central level. He joined Trac Plus as National Coordinator of TB Prevalence Survey from October 2010 to March 2014. He was nominated as Director of TB Infection Control of Tuberculosis and Other Respiratory Communicable Disease within Rwanda Biomedical Center in 2012 and then appointed as Division Manager in the same division in May 2016 up to now.
Gesine Meyer-Rath
Gesine is a Research Associate Professor at the Department of Global Health of the Boston University School of Public Health. She is a physician and health economist working on the economics of HIV and COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries. Her focus lies on modeling methods for economic evaluation, including infectious disease modeling and decision analysis, and translating research into recommendations for public policy. Before joining BUSPH she has worked in the Pediatrics Department of Charité University Hospital Berlin, at the World Health Organization and at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Daniel Chin
Daniel was Deputy Director, Global Health, at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He provided oversight for the foundation’s TB programs in India, China, and South Africa, and led work with global partners and in product delivery.
Nejma Cheikh
Nejma is a Health Specialist in the World Bank’s Health, Nutrition, and Population Global Practice. As a team member of the COVID-19 Fast Track Facility, she contributes to the World Bank Covid response across multiple countries. She has also been working in the World Bank HIV AIDS Program since 2012, representing the Bank as UNAIDS Alternate Global Coordinator, and participating in the design and evaluation of Bank HIV-AIDS programs and research. She currently leads a series of allocative efficiency studies in HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria and has conducted analytical work in Peru, Romania, Moldova, Armenia, Niger, Togo, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, Mozambique, Madagascar, among other countries. Nejma holds an undergraduate and a master’s degree in economics and management as well as master’s degrees in public policy from Columbia University and Sciences Po Paris.
Shufang Zhang
Shufang is a specialist at The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
Jennifer Harris
Jennie is an Epidemiologist with the Surveillance, Epidemiology and Monitoring and Evaluation Team in CDC’s Global Tuberculosis Branch. She has been at CDC since 2013, working in the Global Immunization Division before joining the Global Tuberculosis Branch. Prior to joining CDC, she worked on TB and TB/HIV research and programs in Zambia for the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia.
Kathy Fiekert
Guy Marks
Guy is a respiratory physician and respiratory and environmental epidemiologist with interests in tuberculosis, chronic airways disease and air pollution. He is Scientia Professor at UNSW Sydney and NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow. He is currently President of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease and, until recently, was co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. He is a Chief Investigator in the Australian NHMRC-funded Centre for Research Excellence on Tuberculosis. He has a long-standing, close and active collaboration with the National Tuberculosis Program in Vietnam, and with colleagues in that country, has conducted a number of projects, including cluster randomised controlled trials, investigating interventions for better control of TB in high burden settings.
Geoff Garnett
David Wilson
David is the World Bank’s Global AIDS Program Director and was previously the Bank’s Lead HIV Specialist. His work on HIV/AIDS spans almost 25 years. He has developed prevention best practice programs that have been internationally recognized and has served as technical consultant and adviser to many international agencies. His interests lie in HIV epidemiology, HIV prevention science and program evaluation.
Knut Lönnroth
Knut is Professor of Social Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and senior consultant at the Centre for Epidemiology and Community Health, Stockholm county council. He has also worked for the Global TB Programme at the World Health Organisation. He is interested and involved in policy guidance on health systems strengthening, TB screening, TB elimination in low-incidence countries, management of TB comorbidities, and social interventions to improve TB prevention, treatment uptake and adherence, and financial risk protection.
David Wilson
Suvanand Sahu
Sahu is the Deputy Executive Director at the Stop TB Partnership. He is interested in public health and the use of innovative approaches to end major infectious diseases.
Jeremiah Chakaya Muhwa
Chakaya is the President of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. He is a leader in TB control and in addition to his responsibilities at The Union, he acts as the technical advisor, director and is a founding member of the Kenya Association Against TB and Lung Disease (KAPTLD).
Adam MacNeil
Adam is team lead for the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Impact Measurement team in the Global Tuberculosis Branch. He has worked at CDC for over 11 years as an epidemiologist and is interested in global health, infectious diseases, and health systems.
Carol Levin
Carol is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Washington and the Director of the Global Health Cost Consortium. She is an expert in costing health technologies and interventions delivered in public health delivery systems. Her interests are in conducting research on the costs and cost-effectiveness of introducing and scaling up public health interventions related to maternal, reproductive and child health and HIV.
Johannes Hunger
Johannes is the Head of Strategic Information at The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. His previous work at the Boston Consulting group focused on development and implementation of growth and investment strategies. He has written several articles on innovative modelling approaches in chemistry and on the philosophy of science.
Philippe Glaziou
Philippe was team-leader in charge of epidemiological analyses of the burden of TB, the impact of TB control and global projections of TB burden, in the TB Monitoring and Evaluation group of the World Health Organization Global TB Department. His area of interest was disease burden estimation.
Liz Corbett
Liz is a clinical epidemiologist with LSHTM who has lived in Africa with research funding since 1996. She is a Fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences, and has held advisory roles with WHO since 2001, including past membership of Strategic & Technical Advisory Group (STAG-TB). She leads Research Groups in Malawi, with ongoing randomized trials evaluating survival and other benefits from TB screening/new diagnostics, and HIV self-testing. She has international recognition for my work on TB epidemiology and control strategies in the context of high HIV prevalence, and for design and evaluation of innovative diagnostic interventions.
Sevim Ahmedov
Sevim is a senior TB Technical Advisor at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). He serves as Sr TB Technical Adviser with USAID providing programmatic backstopping support to USAID Missions in a number of African and Central Asian countries, as well as working on technical areas such as Infection Prevention and Control, TB/HIV, MDR-TB, and TB prevention. He is the lead for TB/HIV within the Bureau for Global Health at USAID.
Ibrahim Abubakar
Ibrahim is Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at University College London, where he is the Director of the UCL Institute for Global Health. His research focuses on the epidemiology, prevention and treatment of infections including tuberculosis, hepatitides, HIV, and other common problems such as antimicrobial resistance and vaccine-preventable diseases, particularly among vulnerable populations.