We are pleased to announce (belatedly) that after much deliberation we have awarded two separate grants;
- The Impact of Primary Health Care on Tuberculosis Incidence, Cure Rate and Mortality: an Integrated Retrospective and Forecasting Study Based on a Cohort of 100 Million Brazilians – Davide Rasella ( Instituto de Saúde Coletiva, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil)
- Increasing access to a TB diagnosis in children: modelling the impact of bringing diagnostics to the primary health care level – Edine Tiemersma (KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, The Netherlands)
Each was awarded ~US$50,000 (subject to contract) to begin a 12 month period of work. Both projects will be required to deliver international and in-country presentations as well as peer-review paper submissions, which will be made available on the TB MAC website.
Congratulations to you both on the quality of your applications in a very competitive year, we look forward to seeing the results of your work over the next 12 months.