Many thanks to those of you who returned the TB MAC Review survey, that asked for your thoughts on how well you thought TB MAC was doing, and on how you thought we could improve going forward.
In sumary, you thought the contribution of TB MAC was overwhelmingly thought positive; comments such as “TB MAC has brought in a fresh air in the TB modelling world” (Advocate), “I am very supportive of the investment” (Funder) and “TB-MAC has being doing a good job” (Modeller) were common.
Few respondents had specific suggestions for how our aims and objectives should change, rather that TB MAC might consider putting more effort into specific areas within our existing aims and objectives, such as increasing the awareness, engagement, and relevance of TB MAC’s work to various stakeholders.
A full summary of results is here.
The TB MAC Committee is now using your comments to plan how TB MAC can improve over the coming months and years.
Many thanks again for such useful feedback!