Together with the global TB modelling community TB MAC has started work on exploring the potential of existing interventions to reach the post-2015 Global TB Targets.
The post-2015 WHO Global TB Programme strategy has been submitted to the May 2014 World Health Assembly, which sets very ambitious targets. These include a ~50% reduction in TB cases and a 75% reduction in TB deaths between 2015 and 2025, with further targets for 2035. These targets were said to be ambitious to drive innovation and resource mobilisation, whilst being feasible. But how achievable are they? Which interventions, at what scale, and what are the resources that would be required to meet these targets?
The aim of the ongoing TB MAC work is to focus the efforts of modellers, economists and other experts on these questions in a set of key indicator countries (India, China and South Africa). Over 10 independent modelling groups have joined the initiative to make projections of the likely impact of a range of interventions between 2015 and 2035. These will be used to estimate cost-effectiveness and resource implications.
The findings will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals, and will generate evidence for WHO GTB, STOP TB Partnership, TAG, Global Fund, UNAIDS and other key global stakeholders.