Following the 5th TB MAC meeting in London in October, TB MAC and partners presented preliminary results from the multi-model country analysis exploring the feasibility of reaching the post-2015 Global TB Targets at the 45th Union Conference in Barcelona.
On behalf the huge project team the work was presented by Richard White, Rein Houben (Epidemiology), Gaby Gomez (Economics), Yogan Pillay (South Africa country perspective), Li-xia Wang (China country perspective), Kirankumar Rade (India country perspective), Thokozile Phiri-nkhoma (Community perspective), and Michael Kimerling (Summary and next steps). Our chairs and summarisers were Philippe Glaziou (WHO) and Lucica Ditiu (STOP TB.)
The PDFs of all presentations (based on our non-final results so far) are here.
The Symposium was very well received by a large audience. As might have been expected from a Union Conference audience, questions focussed both on technical and policy implications of the work. Feedback has been very positive, with the audience impressed by the work, and by the efforts of the many people who contributed to it.
The utility of this work was clear to all, for policy discussion, both at country level and for informing thinking and action at global level.
The team is currently working on revising the results, which will be published and widely disseminated early next year.