The database to support or encourage anybody with an interest in TB modelling. When using this resource, please acknowledge the TB Modelling and Analysis Consortium (TB MAC) in your publication, and do let us know through
The file can be downloaded here on our Resources page. This holds all the references in the RIS format, which can be imported directly in most reference manager software packages.
PubMed was searched using the following search query: (tuberculosis OR TB) AND ((mathem* AND (model OR models)) OR (mathem* modell*) OR (mathem* modeling) OR (modeling OR modelling) OR “Population Dynamics”[MeSH Terms] OR “Population Dynamics” OR “System Dynamics” OR “Computer Simulation” OR “Computer Simulation”[MeSH Terms]OR “epidemiologic* model” OR “tuberculosis model” OR ”TB model” OR “transmission model” OR “dynamic model” OR ((within-host OR immun*) AND model))
Web of Science was searched using the following query: TI=((Tuberculosis OR TB) AND model*)
We also searched mathematical modelling journals for any papers on tuberculosis and scanned references from existing reviews for relevant papers as well as historic TB MAC references. Also, modellers from the TB MAC steering committee (Richard White, Chris Dye, Anna Vassal, Ted Cohen and David Dowdy in 2013, and Rein Houben, Nick Menzies and James Trauer in 2017) kindly made their personal libraries available.
Inclusion criteria: We included all papers describing mathematical modelling as defined by Garnett et al. (Lancet 2011, 378, pg 515-525) which distinguishes between mathematical and statistical models as follows “statistical models are those used to derive parameter estimates from empirical data, and mathematical models are those used to make predictions on the basis of those parameter estimates.”
With regard to economic modelling, we limited to papers where modelling methods were used to simulate a population or individuals as they progressed through an algorithm (e.g. decision trees).
We excluded papers with a non-human host only, such as bovine TB in badgers or cattle. We also excluded PKPD models.
Period covered, updates and feedback
The databases and literature were searched up to the 31st of October 2017, and the paper collection should be complete up to that date. However, if you know any papers, new or old, that should be included, please contact us at Your contributions are much appreciated.
Email to let us know what you think, to give suggestions on how to improve this resource, or to ask a question